Make Do in Easterhouse

Big Gorbals Fair

- Find out more and book your free tickets now.
Do you work for an organisation in Glasgow that regularly runs cooking and/or food growing activities for your community members?
Climate Crumbs is a 2 hour, in-person professional development programme for community workers to learn how to integrate conversations about climate action into existing delivery.
Find out more and book your free tickets now.Are you a practitioner working with communities in Glasgow and interested in bringing people of different age groups together in creative ways?
In this 2 hour session we will look at how intergenerational dialogue can enrich and strengthen projects that aim to make communities more resilient.
Future Spa events have been taking place over the past few months, giving residents of Easterhouse an escape from the day-to-day, and allowing them to reconnect, reminisce, and reinvent how they see their local area.You can listen to the full, immersive Future Spa experience here.
Crossroads hosted this fantastic event in the summer of 2024. It has been a tough time for community cohesion recently, with widespread unrest and disturbances seen across England and Northern Ireland. While we have escaped the worst of this in Scotland, there’s no sense that we are above reproach when it comes to issues around race. So it was a happy coincidence that this weekend saw the annual multicultural event take place at Crossroads.Dani, the centre manager, had been concerned that there had been a drop-off in attendance from ethnic minority communities over recent days. This was understandable, but still concerning, so it was great to see such an enthusiastic turnout for Saturday’s event.
Alongside traditional Indian dancing and face painting, we had a Creative Climate Futures activity making screen prints of potential designs for a Crossroads CCF logo. Elena, our artist in residence, took charge of this and had a great response.
The highlight of the day – for the kids anyway! – was the water fight and colour run, resulting in a somewhat multicoloured vibe by the end of the day. It was great to see children from all communities playing and chatting together, and it felt really important that we were there.
As part of Creative Climate Futures, we ran a training and learning programme across the second half of 2024. The aim was to co-design this programme with the people who were participating in it. So, rather than simply offering a menu of options, we asked participants to tell us what kind of bespoke training they would benefit from, which we then developed and delivered.To kick this off, we invited community organisations from across Glasgow to come together to discuss what training might be of benefit to them. The event on 6th June at The Boardwalk in Glasgow included a fun, interactive screen printing activity that allowed colleagues to think through what sort of training they would like to see, and feed back to us.
We now have a Substack page which we hope will act as a project journal, as well as capturing some of the key lessons we have learned during Creative Climate Futures.You can view the latest posts and give us a follow here.
You can find out more about what is happening in our two pioneer neighbourhoods by following our social media channels.On Instagram, we’ll be posting photos and updates from lots of the activity we are carrying out with the communities.
On Facebook, we’ll share details of upcoming events and ways that the community can take part in Creative Climate Futures.
On Substack, we write more detailed journal entries looking at the lessons learned during the project.
Together, we hope these channels will help to inform local people about what we are doing, as well as acting as an ongoing archive of activity for the project.