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Regional partnerships

Image of Skye Bridge in Highland

We work with local authorities, public bodies and others to grow collaborative approaches to climate adaptation at the regional scale. We manage partnerships and foster new ways of working together that respond to the needs of places across Scotland.

The challenge

Responding to the impacts of climate change is a challenge too big to face alone. Flourishing in a changing climate means working together, across geographical and organisational boundaries, in a way that responds to the unique needs of each place.
Harper Loonsk and Helen Lavery presenting at the Highland Adapts Economic Assessment launch

Our approach

We work with partners to better understand the regional impacts of climate change, and to develop shared visions, strategies and action to respond. Our current collaborations include Climate Ready Clyde, Highland Adapts, Climate Ready South East Scotland, and a newly formed partnership in Tayside.
People discussing climate change around tables at an event

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