Our story
Over the past three decades Verture has evolved from our beginnings as the Scotland and Northern Forum for Environmental Research, known as SNIFFER. Whilst both our focus and our name have changed, there are some key themes that thread through the last 30 years, and engaging with others has always been a vital part of us.
We have always sought out innovative approaches and new opportunities, and embedded fairness and inclusivity in our ways of working. You can find out more about this in this blog reflecting on our 30th anniversary in 2024, our journey to now and what we achieved in that time.
Our focus was on the promotion of scientific research in air, water, waste and the environment, and identifying shared needs for tools and action. We commissioned 50 or more projects each year.

We had a thematic approach to environmental protection and were addressing climate change impacts. Our charity articles were extended to include societal engagement, wellbeing, quality of life and sustainable development.

We rebranded as Sniffer, with a focus on being knowledge brokers for a resilient Scotland, moving away from commissioning research. We worked as an intermediary across many sectors and policy areas, and increasingly with communities.

Our new strategy has a vision of a flourishing and fairer Scotland in a changing climate. We are equipping and empowering climate ready leaders, and delivering climate ready place based partnerships. In 2025 we became Verture.