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Stakeholder engagement

White clouds on a blue sky

Engaging with stakeholders is at the heart of our activity. We believe that taking a collaborative approach to understanding and responding to environmental change has the greatest benefit for people and places.

We play a unique connecting role between communities, government, public sector organisations, businesses and universities. We bring different stakeholder groups together, to identify and bridge gaps in understanding and tease out complex issues, through collaboration, dialogue and practice.

We initiate conversations through workshops and events and help to build relationships within longer-term initiatives.

Our tools for engaging

We bring a wide range of skills to our engagement processes including respectful approaches to facilitating and mediating for change. We recognise the importance of listening and dialogue.
A person points to a piece of paper on a table

Shifting the power balance

We address power imbalances. Our initiatives consider who has power and influence. We include those who are often not involved in decision making and ensuring diversity of voices and perspectives.
An acorn surrounded by leaves


We are interested in how to build engagement processes that take creative and innovate approaches, and we support new models of leadership, community-led engagement, and diversity.

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