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Local climate action

Portree, Isle of Skye

Every place is unique, and so are the impacts of climate change on that place. To flourish in a fair way in our changing climate, all places will need to change. But this change should be locally-driven, and distinctive – it will not look the same everywhere.

We work with communities to co-design locally-led responses to climate change. We support places to become climate ready in a way that is led by local people and rooted in fairness and justice.

Stories of change

We work with communities to understand and amplify stories about the local impacts of climate change on their place.

Building skills

We provide training, specialist advice and resources to support communities and partners in building the skills and capacity needed to respond to climate change.

Designing responses

We co-design locally-led responses to climate change, including local climate action plans and local place plans, or create new local partnerships and ways of working.


A large red bridge across a body of water

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